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Military Links



Air Force

The Official Air Force Site     Air Force Academy     Air Forces Europe      Air Force Air Base     Thunderbird Schedule     Air Force Crossroad     Air Force Association     Family Support Center
Army The Official Army Site     Ranger Training Brigade     US Army Recruiting     Army National Guard Recruiting     Army HQ      Army Families Online     My Army Life Too     AUSA Family Programs     Army MWR Family Page
Marines USMC Official Site    Kelly's Marine Wives Support Page    Supporting Our Marines      Marine Corps Wives Website     Marine Corps Family Network     Marine Corps Community Services     Marine Corps Moms     Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation     Marine Parents
Navy  Official Navy Site     US Naval Academy     Naval Exchange Online     Navy Port O Call     Submarine Wives Club    Torpedo     Navy Family Support
Coast Guard Coast Guard Official Site     Fred's Place-Place to Meet Old Shipmates     Coastie Kids     USCG Pacific Area     USCG Marine Safety Environmental Protection     Coast Guard Family
Veterans Gulf War Vet Resource Pages     Vet to Vet Magazine     Veterans Resource Guide     The Wall     Disabled American Veterans    National Archives   eVetRecs
Other Military Links   Salute to the Armed Forces     Sgt. Moms     Spousenet     Milbud's Home Page     LadyJenn's Military Spouse Support Page     Desert Storm.Com     Fort Family      Military Spouse Support Network     Military Mail     Operation Just Cause     Married to the Military     Military Spouse Career Network     Military Web     National Family Military Association  
US Government Bookstore

There are so many terrific military links available that we could never list them all but here is a start!  If you know of another site that we should link please let us know!

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