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Off Base Housing


On-Base Housing Information
Off-Base Housing Information

Most newcomers to Minot AFB will live off-base for at least a short time while they wait for on-base housing.  Rental availability is extremely limited.  There are a variety of homes for sale.

If you will be moving off-base you should first report to the Housing Office for information. This office keeps an updated list of local rentals. They can also provide information on local realtors. Housing management can also help with landlord/tenant disputes and housing discrimination complaints. You MUST consult with this office before entering into a rental contract, lease or purchase agreement.

HOUSING OFFICE-  Located at 164 Summit Drive.
Hours:  Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4 pm
     701.723.4661 / DSN 453.4661

Rental rates vary widely. Expect to pay between $700  - $900 for an average sized rental home.   Cheaper rates are most likely available for apartments;  average $400 - $700. 

Housing prices average $90,000 - $150,000 for 3 - 4 bedroom homes. 

For up to date information on local housing please contact one of the many local Real Estate companies. They offer current housing availability as well as relocation assistance.

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