Housing Information
HOUSING OFFICE- Located at 6556 Columbine Drive
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7a - 6p & Sat 9a - 3p
Air Force Academy has a
variety of base housing depending upon rank and family size of service
member. Enlisted through Company Grade Officer housing is in
duplex-style units. Field Grade and Senior Officer housing is
single unit. Housing is divided between two housing areas;
Pine Valley and Douglass. All units include a stove, refrigerator
and dishwasher. On average you can expect to wait from 2 12 months
for an on-base unit.
applications (DD Form 1746) can be made through the Family Housing Management Office,
as soon as you have PCS orders. Form can be retrieved at
www.airforcehousing.hq.af.mil or through your base housing office.
Be sure to report to the USAFA Housing Office to complete your
application upon arrival. Consult with the base housing office
before entering into any off-base housing contract.
Neither the Department of the Navy Air
Force, Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, nor any other component
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The information on our
Whiteman AFB,
Buckley AFB,
F.E. Warren AFB,
Peterson AFB,
AFB, Hill AFB,
Luke AFB,
Cheyenne Mountain Air Station,
The Air Force Academy,
Ellsworth AFB,
Minot AFB,
Nellis AFB, and
Fort Carson sites was obtained through public sources and the author's
personal experience.
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